
Freelancer since the beginning of 2018. Always open for new challenges!

Since 2015 focusing on open source and cloud: working with big data technologies, cloud, data science and infrastructure as code.

Hands on experience in cloud with AWS, Azure and OpenStack. Automation is the key, and philosophy is pay-as-you-go. DevOps tools under my belt: Terraform, Consul, Ansible, Docker.

I believe in division of data storage and data processing, hence focus on object storage and fully automated processing solutions in the cloud.

Experience with open source: Hadoop (Apache, Hortonworks), Kafka, Spark, Hive, Storm, Anaconda…

Knowledge and experience within data science and machine learning engineering using Scala and Python.

Hold a BSc in computer science and MSc in psychology.

My linkedin if you wish to connect.

My github account with over thirty project in the fields of automation and data science.

9 thoughts on “About

  1. Great to see you working on Hadoop Marko! Was googling around and ended up on your blog. Subscribed already! hit me back on @sankeyplus 😀


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