Spark, Scala, sbt and S3

The idea behind this blog post is to write a Spark application in Scala, build the project with sbt and run the application which reads from a simple text file in S3.

If you are interested in how to access S3 files from Apache Spark with Ansible, check out this post.

A couple of Spark and Scala functionalities that can be picked up in this post:

  • how to create SparkSession
  • how to create SparkContext
  • auxiliary constructors
  • submitting Spark application with arguments
  • error handling in Spark
  • adding column to Spark DataFrame

My operating system is Windows 10 with Spark 2.4.0 installed on it. Spark has been installed using this tutorial. I have not installed Scala on my machine. I do have Java, version 8. Keep in mind Spark does not support Java 9. It is ok to have multiple versions installed, just make sure you make the switch to Java 8 in the IDE.

My IDE of choice is Intellij IDEA Community 2019.1. It is possible to run the code test, import libraries (using sbt), package JAR file and run the JAR from the IDE.

I have a small single node Spark cluster in AWS (one instance type t2.micro) for testing the JAR file outside of my development environment. This instance is accessed, and the project tested from mobaXterm.

Create application

Create new Scala project

create project

Type in name of the project and change the JDK path to Java 8 if default points to some other version. Spark 2.4.0 is using Scala 2.11.12 so make sure the Scala version matches. This can be changed later in the sbt file.

create project_2

IntelliJ IDEA creates the project and the structure of it is as below image:

project structure

Spark libraries are imported using the sbt file. Copy and paste the following line to the sbt file:

libraryDependencies += "org.apache.spark" %% "spark-core" % "2.4.0"
libraryDependencies += "org.apache.spark" %% "spark-sql" % "2.4.0"
libraryDependencies += "org.apache.hadoop" % "hadoop-aws" % "2.7.3"

In the lower right corner will there will be a pop-up window asking you if you want to import changes. Accept that.

import changes

Reading files in Spark

A rookie mistake is to create a file locally, run it in the development environment, which is your own computer, where it works as it should, and then scale-up to a cluster where the file cannot be found. It is easy to forget that the file should be in the same location on all workers in the Spark cluster not just on the instance that servers as the client!

To avoid this, an external storage is introduced. In the case of this post, it is the object storage of AWS – S3.

The test file I am using here is a simple one-line txt file:


If you plan to use other file structure make sure to change the schema definition in the code.

Creating Scala class

The environment, input file and the sbt file are now ready. Let us write the example. Create new Scala class.

file new project.jpg

Make sure to choose Object from the Kind dropdown menu.

new scala class

Open Test.scala and copy the following content in it:

import scala.util.Failure
import org.apache.spark.sql.{AnalysisException, SparkSession}
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{StringType, StructField, StructType}
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.lit

// primary constructor
class TextAnalysis(path : String, comment : String) {

//aux cons takes no inputs
def this() {
  this("s3a://hdp-hive-s3/test.txt", "no params")

//aux cons takes file path as input
def this(path : String) {
  this(path, "from s3a")

  //create spark session
  private val spark = SparkSession

  //Create a SparkContext to initialize Spark
  private val sc = spark.sparkContext

  def ReadFile(): Unit = {

    val testSchema = StructType(Array(
      StructField("first", StringType, true),
      StructField("second", StringType, true),
      StructField("third", StringType, true)))

    try {

      val df =
        .option("delimiter", ";")

      val df1 = df.withColumn("comment", lit(comment))

    } catch {
      case e: AnalysisException => {
        println(s"FILE $path NOT FOUND... EXITING...")
      case unknown: Exception => {
        println("UNKNOWN EXCEPTION... EXITING...")

object Test {
  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    val sep = ";"
    val argsArray = args.mkString(sep).split(sep)

    val ta = new TextAnalysis("s3a://hdp-hive-s3/test.txt")

    val ta1 = new TextAnalysis(argsArray(0), argsArray(1))

    val ta2 = new TextAnalysis()

In the object Test, three instances of the TextAnalysis class are created to demonstrate how to run  Spark code with parameters as input arguments and without.

In order to make the second instance work the arguments need to be defined. Click Run -> Edit Configurations…

In textbox Program arguments write the following “s3a://hdp-hive-s3/test.txt;with args”. Click OK.

Right click on the code and click on the Run “Test” from the menu. This should generate a verbose log which should also give 3 prints of the test tables. Here is an example of one

table output example

The column “comment” is added in the Spark the code.

Package application in a JAR

Create artifact configuration

Open the Project Structure windows and choose Artifacts from the left menu: File -> Project Structure -> Artifacts.

Click on the +, choose JAR and From modules with dependencies.

Enter Module and Main Class manually or use the menus on the right. Click OK when done and click OK again to exit the window.

create jar from modules

Build JAR

Open the menu Build -> Build Artifacts. Choose the JAR you wish to build and choose action Build.

build artifact - build.JPG

This will create a new folder called “out” where the JAR file resides.

out folder

The test.jar is over 130 MB big. And 70 lines of code were written. All dependencies were packaged in this JAR file which can sometimes be acceptable but in majority of cases the dependencies are already on the server. And the same goes for this case. The JARs used to run this application are already inside the standard Spark cluster under $SPARK_HOME/jars. For working with S3 files the JAR file hadoop-aws should be added to the jars folder. The JAR can be found here.

Removing the dependent JARs is done in the following way from Build -> Build Artifacts.

build artifact - edit.JPG

In the window, on the right side of it, remove all the JAR files under the test.jar – mark them and click icon “minus”.

project structure - removed dependencies

After saving the changes, rebuild the artifact using Build -> Build Artifacts and the Rebuild option from the menu. This should reduce the file size to 4 KB.

Testing the package on Spark single-node

If you have a working Spark cluster you can copy the JAR file to it and test it. I have a single node Spark cluster in AWS for this purpose and mobaXterm to connect to the cluster. From the folder where the JAR file has been copied run the following command:

sh $SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-submit --class Test test.jar "s3a://hdp-hive-s3/test.txt;test on Spark"

Three tables should be seen in the output, among the log outputs, one of the tables is the following

table output on Spark cluster

This table shows how calling a Scala class with arguments from the command line works.

This wraps up the example of how Spark, Scala, sbt and S3 work together.

Creating first Scala project with sbt and submitting it to Apache Spark

The environment for the following project build was the following: Ubuntu 14.04 on a AWS EC2 instance, sbt version 0.13.13 (how to install it) and Apache Spark 2.0.1 on local mode (although the same procedure has been done and worked on a Hortonworks Hadoop cluster with Spark 2.0).

The Scala example file creates a SparkSession (if you are using Apache Spark version older than 2.0, check how to create all the context in order to run the example. Or upgrade to Spark 2.0!), reads a csv file into a DataFrame and outputs the DataFrame to the command line.

Create new project folder and step in it

mkdir scala-ne
cd scala-ne

Create data folder, step in it and create a test data file

mkdir data
cd data
vi n-europe.csv

Save the data file and exit vi.

Create the Scala file

vi spark-ne.scala

Copy the following code in the Scala file (make sure the path to the csv file is valid). If you are doing this on an node that is a part of HDFS cluster, be sure to add file:// at the beginning of the file path string.

import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession

object ne {

        def main(args: Array[String]) {
                val fil = "/SPARK-NE_PROJECT/data/n-europe.csv"

                val spark = SparkSession

                val neDF =

Create build file build.sbt

vi build.sbt

And type the following lines (make sure to leave the empty line between each line). Adjust the Scala and spark-sql version accordingly!

name := "Spark-ne"

version := "1.0"

scalaVersion := "2.11.8"

libraryDependencies += "org.apache.spark" %% "spark-sql" % "2.0.0"

Run the following command to build the project

sbt package

The last three line of the output

[info] Packaging /user/marko/scala-ne/target/scala-2.11/spark-ne_2.11-1.0.jar ...
[info] Done packaging.
[success] Total time: 69 s, completed Jan 7, 2017 8:22:38 PM

Running the sbt package command the first time is going to take more time because the jar files are downloading. Maven users should feel like home here.
If you make changes to the Scala file and run the command again, it takes less time. Below is an example of the next build call

[info] Packaging /user/marko/scala-ne/target/scala-2.11/spark-ne_2.11-1.0.jar ...
[info] Done packaging.
[success] Total time: 8 s, completed Jan 7, 2017 8:29:12 PM

The code can now be submitted to Spark. Adjust the path to the JAR file accordingly.

$SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-submit --class ne /user/marko/scala-ne/target/scala-2.11/spark-ne_2.11-1.0.jar

If everything went as it should, the table of Northern European cities and countries is seen in the output.

Installing sbt on Ubuntu for building Scala projects

Using Apache Spark for big data processing offers also a possibility to use Scala. Despite Python being more popular than Scala, Scala is still THE language in Apache Spark world. It is time to start writing code in it.
The interactive tool sbt helps you build Scala and Java projects. It is similar to Java’s Maven or Ant. It offers native support for compiling Scala and, among other things, offers support for mixed Scala/Java projects.

Run the following to install sbt.

echo "deb /" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sbt.list
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv 642AC823
sudo apt-get update -y
sudo apt-get install sbt -y

Test sbt by running

sbt version

Should return something like this

[info] Set current project to ubuntu (in build file:/home/ubuntu/)
[info] 0.1-SNAPSHOT

The tool is now installed and ready to use.

You can run sbt by simply typing


Creating an example Scala project that works with Apache Spark is described in this post.